
Benefits of Adding Plants To Your Office

Indoor plants will not only look good in your office, it'll make you feel good too.

Reduces stress 

Creating a stress free workspace is a common goal we all have. Adding plants throughout the office can reduce stress as the color green has a relaxing and calming effect. Studies have shown workers feel more attentive and even improve their productivity when having plants in the office, as their stress levels are decreased. 

Adds color to the office

There are many different plants that you can add to your office. Adding plants will also add color making it appealing to the eye, including job applicants or potential business partners visiting your office. If you were looking for a plant with color, african violets are the best way to go. They even come in many different colors to add some vibrancy to your office. 

Purifies the air

Not only are plants the perfect way to add some color to your office, but they also clean the air. Adding plants to your office can clean the air as they absorb carbon dioxide, which is one thing we do not want to be breathing in throughout our work day. There have been studies to show that plants help remove chemicals, helping us to breathe. 

Easy to maintain

Many indoor plants are easy to take care of and require little attention. Snake plants are one popular office plants with its mixture of green and yellow colors it is very appealing to the eye and can brighten up the office. Succulents are also a great plant that are small and can be added to your desk to add a little color. They hardly require any water where you only have to water it once a week. Another plant we love to add to our office space are lucky bamboos.

Not only do they add great color and lucky, but they also only require little light and little water which makes it the perfect plant for your office. Plants add a lot of color and positivity to the office so have fun with it and add your favorite plant to the office. 

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